2020 Mountain Medicine Society of Nepal

In the year 2020, Mountain Medicine Society of Nepal (MMSN) conducted several outdoor activities with the support from Farrar Foundation by ensuring proper safety measures and encouraging female participation. Indoor wall climbing and outdoor rock-climbing sessions (Climbing for Fun) were facilitated by a certified trainer and a Diploma in Mountain Medicine graduate. In each “Climbing for fun” session there were 25 enthusiastic participants, where they learned basic rope handling techniques, knot making techniques, communicating during climbing and other climbing skills. Sticking to our aim of encouraging as many enthusiasts as possible each sessions were participated by many first timers. 

Cycling for Fun, another event was conducted with 16 enthusiastic participants. It was a joyful day out where participants got to see some breathtaking view of Kathmandu valley and mountains towards the north of valley. In fact, this event was very much appreciated because this was the first outdoor activities for many of the participants after the monotonous lifestyle we had during lockdown. A day hike and clinical case scenario: This event was facilitated by  Diploma in Mountain Medicine graduates in the Shivapuri National Park. In the middle of the hike the team leader presented a simulated scenario and taught them trauma basics focusing on primary survey, patient transport and preparing first aid kit for a hike. Rafting and swift water rescue training program with overnight camping was conducted in thrilling waters of Bhotekoshi River.   

We anticipate these experiences would be helpful for more than 110 participants making them capable of decision making throughout their far-reaching career in wilderness medicine. We are planning to introduce trekking and lifesaving skills in rural terrain in the coming year. We are grateful for the generous support from the Farrar Foundation which has helped us to organize effective and fun filled outdoor activities that has encouraged young doctors for the love of mountains and being close to nature.


2020 Africa Research Excellence Fund


2020 Annual Report